
The Annual Conference Program Committee (AC Committee) manages the scientific content of the ISOQOL Annual Conference. They develop the theme, invite plenary speakers, and solicit presentations to develop a diverse scientific program. This committee is charged to ensure the highest quality educational program and promote participation.

Board Liaison

Board member from the Education Council


Two (2) Co-Chairs


One (1) Local Representative
One (1) Symposium Chair

Mentor/Mentee Subcommittee – Two (2) Co-Chairs
SIG Symposia Subcommittee – Two (2) Co-Chairs
Workshop Subcommittee – Two (2) Co-Chairs

Member Selection

  • The AC Committee Co-Chairs are appointed by the Executive Committee a minimum of 1-1/2 years in advance.
  • Local Representative and Symposium Chair members are appointed by the Co-Chairs with approval of the Board Liaison.
  • Subcommittee members are selected from applicants from the Call for Volunteers.


  • Attend the Annual Conference in October.
  • Attend standing conference calls.
  • Present brief invitation presentation at prior year’s Annual Conference.
  • Attend two-day planning meeting in early June at site to review scored abstracts for placement in oral and poster sessions.
  • Manage the Annual Conference Open Forum session.
Committee Members
  • Attend the Annual Conference in October.
  • Attend applicable conference calls.


  • Develop the highest quality scientific program.
  • Working with the ISOQOL office, review the conference budget and schedule.
  • Working with the ISOQOL office, review/select committee members.
  • Working with the Committee, develop a conference theme to be presented to the Board for review at the preceding October Board meeting.
  • Develop draft program including a list of potential plenary topics and speakers.
  • Attend in-person planning meeting to review scored oral and poster abstracts, and assemble oral sessions, poster sessions, and cutting edge research plenary sessions.
  • Oversee the progress of the committee member tasks described below.
Committee Members
  • Assist in developing the highest quality educational program.
    • The Symposia Chair, working with the AC Committee and ISOQOL office, shall review the scored symposium abstracts for each category, determine symposium abstracts to be presented at the conference, and work with the symposium speakers to monitor progress. The chair will manage conference calls with speakers and report back to the AC Committee.
    • The Local Member Representative, working with the AC Committee and ISOQOL office, shall assist with marketing and promotion of the conference to increase local/regional attendance and participation in the conference.
  • AC Committee shall work with the ISOQOL office to develop and review the post-conference evaluation distributed to all attendees.
Board Liaison
  • Will review the progress of the AC Committee and report to the Board of Directors.
  • Will forward direction from the Board of Directors to the AC Committee.
  • Present the draft program detailing plenary or invited sessions for approval to the Executive Committee.
  • Assist with advice where necessary.
  • Act as an advisor and support for the program committee.
  • Budget – From the board-approved schedule, the ISOQOL office shall prepare a draft budget for review and gain approval of budget through the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Working with the Co-Chairs, the ISOQOL office shall document expenses to ensure fiscal responsibility.
  • Program Structure – The ISOQOL office and Executive Committee will develop the structure and logistics of the program.
  • Sponsorship – The ISOQOL office, leadership and chairs will solicit grants and support from industry partners.
  • On-site – The ISOQOL office shall manage all logistics of the meeting including hotel catering, room assignments, audiovisual, meeting space, events, etc.
  • Develop and expand mentor/mentee programs.
  • Work with the ISOQOL office to increase mentors.
  • Review and match mentee applicants with mentors for the Mentor/Mentee Reception at the Annual Conference.
SIG Symposia
  • Select SIG Symposia for presentation on pre-conference day of the Annual Conference.
  • Select workshops for development of program at the Annual Conference.
  • Analyze workshop evaluations to determine possible repeat workshops for future meetings.