The 2022 Annual Conference will bring together many thought leaders in the health related quality of life field. This year’s Plenary Sessions embody the conference theme of Redefining boundaries – breaking new ground in patient-centered outcomes research. Click each title for speaker bios and further description:
- Mind the Gap – measuring HRQL across the life course
Speakers: Christopher Forrest, MD PhD; Richard Gershon, PhD; Melissa Tinsley, Executive Masters, Public Administration - Cutting Edge Research Plenary
Speakers: Berend Terluin, MD PhD; Paul Schneider, MD MSc; Tolulope Sajobi, PhD; Carolyn Schwartz, ScDSponsored by EORTC
- PROs in clinical practice – lessons learned and future directions
Speakers: Annette Ladefoged de Thurah, RN MPH PhD; Morten Atke Nüchel, BS; Adesola Odole, PhD - Defining meaningful change – a matter of stakeholder perspective
Speakers: Sonya Eremenco, MA; Beate Wieseler, Dr. rer. nat.; John Peipert, PhD
For further information about the Scientific Program, visit the 29th Annual Conference page.
Registration for the 2022 Annual Conference is now open;
we hope you’ll join us in Prague!

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.