Thank you to departing ISOQOL Board Member

Ida J. Korfage, PhD
Erasmus MC
University Medical Center
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Term: 2016 – 2019
Thank you to outgoing Journal Editor-in-Chief
Frans Jeroen Oort, PhD
Editor-in-Chief of Quality of Life Research
Thank you to outgoing committee chairs
Skye P. Barbic, PhD OT
British Colombia, Canada
Co-Chair of the Education Committee
Heather Gelhorn, PhD
Maryland, United States
Co-Chair of the IPRO Course Subcommittee
Lori Frank, PhD
Virginia, United States
Co-Chair of the Measuring What Matters Topic Selection Subcommittee
Chair of the Nominations Committee
Maria-Jose Santana, PhD
Alberta, Canada
Co-Chair of the Mentor/Mentee Subcommittee
Claudia Rutherford, PhD
New South Wales, Australia
Co-Chair of the Webinar Subcommittee
Richard Sawatzky, PhD RN
British Columbia, Canada
Co-Chair of the Workshop Subcommittee
Melanie J. Calvert, PhD
United Kingdom
Past Chair of the Standards & Best Practices Committee
Ana Popielnicki, BA
United States
Newsletter Editor
Thank you to outgoing SIG leaders
Claudia Rutherford, PhD
Past Chair of the Australia and New Zealand SIG
Sara Ahmed, PhD
Quebec, Canada
Past Chair of the Canada-PRO SIG
Jeanne Landgraf, MA
Massachusetts, United States
Past Chair of the Child Health SIG
Richard L. Skolasky, ScD
Maryland, United States
Co-Chair of the Health Preference Research SIG
Monica Avila Pacheco, BPharm PhD MPH
Co-Chair of the Ibero America SIG
Paivi Miskala, MSPH PhD
Maryland, United States
Co-Chair of the Industry SIG
Skye Barbic, PhD OT
British Colombia, Canada
Co-Chair of the Mixed Methods SIG
Canhua Xiao, PhD RN FAAN
Connecticut, United States
Co-Chair of the New Investigators SIG
Kirstie L. Haywood, DPHiL BSc (Hons)
United Kingdom
Past Chair of the Patient Engagement SIG
RJ Wirth, PhD
North Carolina, United States
Past Chair of the Psychometrics SIG
Lotte Haverman, PhD
Past Chair of the QOL in Clinical Practice SIG
Tolulope T. Sajobi, PhD
Alberta, Canada
Co-Chair of the Response Shift SIG
Ana Popielnicki, BA
Massachusetts, United States
Co-Chair of the Translation & Cultural Adaptation SIG
Dagmara Kulis, MA
Secretary of the Translation & Cultural Adaptation SIG
Elizabeth Gibbons, MSc
United Kingdom
Past Chair of the United Kingdom & Ireland SIG
Thank you to outgoing panel judges
Marcelo P. Fleck, MD PhD
Ana Maria Rodriguez, PhD MSc PT
Mirjam A.G. Sprangers, PhD
Ida J. Korfage, PhD
Tom Willgoss, PhD MSc BA
United Kingdom
Thank you to the following Task Forces
- Annual Conference Integration
- Collaborations
- Communication Strategy
- Industry Education Course
We thank these ISOQOL members for their profound dedication and leadership!

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.