Thank you to outgoing ISOQOL Board Members


Joanne Greenhalgh, PhD
University of Leeds
School of Sociology and Social Policy
United Kingdom
Term: 2021 – 2023



Jakob B. Bjorner, MD PhD
Term: 2020 – 2023

Lotte Haverman, PhD
Emma Children’s Hospital
Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Term: 2020 – 2023

Richard L. Skolasky, ScD
Johns Hopkins University
Maryland, United States
Term: 2020 – 2023


Thank you to outgoing Journal Editor-in-Chief

Richard L. Skolasky, ScD
Maryland, United States
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Quality of Life Research


Thank you to outgoing SIG leaders

Liane J. Ioannou, PhD
Victoria, Australia
Past Chair of the Australia and New Zealand SIG

Rachel D. Campbell, PhD
New South Wales, Australia
Secretary/Treasurer of the Australia and New Zealand SIG

Ana Maria Moga, PT PhD candidate
Québec, Canada
Past Chair of the Canada-PRO SIG

Holger Muehlan, PhD
Past Chair of the Child Health SIG

Daniel YT Fong, PhD
Hong Kong
Co-Chair of the Chinese PRO SIG

Adesola Odole, PhD
Co-Chair of the Developing Nations SIG

Vijaya Gothwal, PhD
Co-Chair of the Developing Nations SIG

Bernhard Holzner, PhD ME
Co-Chair of the German-speaking Countries SIG

Heather Gelhorn, PhD
Maryland, United States
Past Chair of the Health Preference Research SIG

Ana Maria Rodriguez-Leboeuf, PhD MSc PT
Co-Chair of the Industry SIG

Mariko Naito, DDS PhD
Co-Chair of the Japan SIG

Antoinette F. Davey, PhD
United Kingdom
Past Chair of the Mixed Methods SIG

Ahmed M.Y. Osman, PhD
Co-Chair of the New Investigators SIG

Natasha Roberts, BN BN(hons) PhD
Queensland, Australia
Co-Chair of the Patient Engagement SIG

Sandra Zelinsky
Alberta, Canada
Patient Research Advisory Chair of the Patient Engagement SIG

John “Devin” Peipert, PhD
Illinois, United States
Past Chair of the Psychometrics SIG

Liv Marit Valen Schougaard
Past Chair of the QOL in Clinical Practice SIG

Robyn von Maltzahn, MSc
United Kingdom
Co-Chair of the Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment Engagement (R&HE) SIG

Gudrun Rohde, PhD
Co-Chair of the Response Shift SIG

Antoine Regnault, PhD 
Co-Chair of the Statistics SIG

Emily Parks-Vernizzi, MBA
New York, United States
Co-Chair of the Translation & Cultural Adaptation SIG

Jonathon P. Evans, PhD MSc
United Kingdom
Past Chair of the United Kingdom & Ireland SIG


We thank these ISOQOL members for their profound dedication and leadership!

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.