President’s Award
The President’s Award is awarded to individuals who have advanced health related quality of life (HRQL) research and made outstanding contributions to the ISOQOL in one or more of the following areas:
- Education of professionals, patients or lay individuals about HRQL’s value
- Promotion or execution of HRQL or other scholarly activities
- Facilitating or furthering policy initiatives that have an impact on HRQL
The 2023 ISOQOL President’s Award was presented by President Joanne Greenhalgh to Maria-Jose Santana, PhD.
Emerging Leader Award – In Honor of Donna Lamping
The Emerging Leader Award was established in 2011 to honor and commemorate past-President Donna Lamping’s contribution to the leadership of the Society. It is awarded to members showing exceptional leadership skills and potential by playing a key role in initiating and/or steering a specific ISOQOL task or project to successful completion.

Such activities may be linked to the ISOQOL Board, a Special Interest Group (SIG), committee, task force or other initiatives undertaken by ISOQOL.
Congratulations to the 2023 Emerging Leader Award recipient, Piper “Pip” Fromy, PhD.
Outstanding Volunteer Service Award
The Outstanding Volunteer Service Award was established in 2023. It is awarded to ISOQOL members who have performed in a way that is conspicuously above and beyond what is reasonably expected with respect to volunteer duties and responsibilities for ISOQOL during the 12 months preceding the nomination.
Congratulations to the 2023 Outstanding Volunteer Service Award recipients:

Jan R. Boehnke, PhD
for outstanding service as journal Co-Editor-in-Chief through a changing publication landscape

Ashika D. Maharaj, PhD
for outstanding service in development and execution of the Measuring What Matters Symposium

Daniel YT Fong, PhD, and Jiqian Fang, PhD
for work on the Simplified Chinese translation of the ISOQOL Dictionary
Outstanding Article of the Year Awards
The Outstanding Article of the Year Awards recognize the best articles dedicated to HRQL research published in Quality of Life Research and in the Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes during the previous calendar year.
These awards recognize authors for significant intellectual contributions that promise to advance the state of the art in HRQL research methods, theory and application.
Outstanding Article of the Year: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Konrad Maruszczyk, Systematic review of guidance for the collection and use of patient-reported outcomes in real-world evidence generation to support regulation, reimbursement and health policy. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (2022) 6:57. DOI 10.1186/s41687-022-00466-7
Outstanding Article of the Year: Quality of Life Research
Xiuqin Xiong, Association between 24-hour movement behaviors and health-related quality of life in children. Qual Life Res (2022) 31: 231–240. DOI 10.1007/s11136-021-02901-6
Outstanding Poster Award
The Outstanding Poster Award is given to the presenting authors of Annual Conference poster submissions receiving the highest evaluations during the review process.
The Outstanding Poster Award Winner this year is:
Lillian Savic, Translation and linguistic validation of the EXACT for use with COPD patients in African countries
Student and New Investigator Awards
Every year ISOQOL recognizes the best overall oral and poster presentations at the Annual Conference made by full-time students and investigators in the early stages of their career.
Student Oral Award
Nicole E. Billingy, MSc, Patient-initiated versus physician-initiated response to patient-reported symptom monitoring equally improve health-related quality of life after 1 year: the SYMPRO-Lung trial
Student Poster Award
Ava Mehdipour, MSc, Usability of telehealth assessments from the perspective of community-dwelling older adults
New Investigator Oral Award
Conrad J. Harrison, MBA DPhil MRCS, Psychometric sensitivity analysis: strategies for testing the stability of randomized controlled trial results to patient-reported outcome measurement assumptions, and an example using the TOPKAT trial dataset
New Investigator Poster Award
Jae-Yung Kwon, PhD RN, Journey mapping older adults’ experiences of radiation therapy for cancer as a knowledge translation tool for contextualizing patient-reported outcome measures
Congratulations to all award winners!

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.