Virtual Symposia Topic Proposal

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Topic Selection Timeline

Virtual Symposia Topic Proposal: Call for Submissions

ISOQOL will be holding 2 virtual symposia per year. Open submissions are in September and January, one and a half years in advance.

ISOQOL is seeking to identify and address topics of importance to our members and the HRQL field. Topics may be:

  • a particular application (e.g., Clinical Practice, Clinical Trials, Observational Research…)
  • a specific disease area (e.g., Neurology, Cardiology, Mental health…)
  • a particular population (e.g., Children, Caregivers, Patients…)
  • a particular methodology
  • or a combination of the four

View the agendas and organization of past symposia (formerly known as the Measuring What Matters Symposium) here.

Co-Chair Commitment

Upon submitting a topic proposal, you are indicating your intent to serve as a co-chair of the virtual symposium and develop the direction of the symposium (commitment noted below). Please indicate who the co-chairs (two) are in the proposal. Two-three co-chairs are needed to organize a symposium.

Co-chairs work with ISOQOL Staff and are responsible for:

  • Developing a program outline with topics
  • Developing the curriculum
  • Developing session learning objectives
  • Proposing speakers/presenters
  • Attending monthly/biweekly calls with staff & speakers
  • Review speaker presentations/content and provide feedback
  • Moderate sessions on live days
  • Estimated time commitment:
    • Within 15 months of planning:
      • 10 monthly calls with ISOQOL staff and co-chairs
      • Monthly calls (4 months prior to the live event) with ISOQOL staff and speakers from each session.

Staff Responsibilities

  • Formally invite possible speakers
  • Collect speakers’ materials and documents
  • Keep co-chairs and speakers to planning timeline
  • Schedule, host and attend all planning calls (Zoom/Microsoft Teams)
  • Send reminders to participants
  • Provide logistical support
  • Create and manage marketing
  • Open and manage registration

Items to consider when proposing a virtual symposium

As much as possible, incorporate these responses in your proposal:

Below is the information requested for a virtual symposium topic proposal, which opens twice a year.


Topic Proposal Questions

Submitter and Co-Chair Details

  • Submitter(s) Name, Title, Affiliation
  • Names and email addresses of two-three proposed symposium co-chairs
    The two co-chairs must be current ISOQOL members and one of the co-chairs is the person submitting the proposal.

Proposed Topic/Theme Information

  • Symposium Title
  • Describe the topic/theme and why it is relevant to the ISOQOL audience.
  • Level of experience needed
    • Note: this is your recommendation and not a requirement. Registration for a symposium of any level is
      open to all.
    • Basic: No prior training is needed to understand the content.
    • Intermediate: Some prior training or work experience relevant to the topic is
      recommended to aid in understanding of the symposium content.
    • Advanced: Substantial prior training or work experience relevant to the topic is
      recommended to aid in understanding of the symposium content.
  • Is this topic regional? If yes, please indicate why and the region of the greatest interest.
  • Category area (Select all that apply)
    • Theoretical Work
    • Methodological
    • Application: Clinical Research
    • Application: Clinical Care Applications
    • Application: Policy
  • Outline how each category (selected above) will be addressed. (Max: 500 words)
  • Intended audience(s): (Select all that apply)
    • Academics
    • Clinicians
    • Consultants
    • Industry
    • Patients/Advocacy
    • Early Career
    • Mid-career
    • Late Career
    • Other
  • Symposium synopsis (Max: 500 words)
  • Interactive Component Options (Will finalize during planning call with staff, check all that may apply.)
    • Breakout Groups
    • Live Q&A
    • Poll Questions
    • Chat
  • Foundational Training add-on (optional)
    • There may be a need to cover foundational material that is well-known by a majority of the
      targeted audience but is not common knowledge for a specific stakeholder. In these instances,
      organizers should consider a 20-30 minute presentation covering the foundational knowledge
      needed by this stakeholder. This presentation will be pre-recorded and released on-demand to
      the audience, one week prior to the live dates of the symposium.
  • Will there need to be a foundational training session before the symposium for better understanding? If yes or maybe, please explain.

Symposium Organization

  • Describe how the symposium will be organized: (e.g., plenaries, breakouts, case studies; general format of the meeting)
  • Provide an outline for each session: (There is a minimum of 4 sessions in total and a maximum of 8 sessions in total. An average session is no longer than 60 minutes, spanning over the course of 2 days.)
  • Provide a title, description and objectives for each of the proposed sessions
  • List potential names, affiliations and brief description of expertise (no CVs please) of the speakers you intend to invite.


The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).

Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.