Ancillary Events at ISOQOL Activities
The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) leadership requires ALL organizations (commercial and non-profit) that wish to hold functions of any size or nature during an ISOQOL meeting at the same meeting venue, educational event or ISOQOL sponsored activity to submit an Ancillary Event Request Form.
Available Meeting Times – Scheduled breaks (including breakfast, lunch and longer session breaks of 30 minutes or more), after the conclusion of the last educational session of the day (some restrictions apply), or two or more days prior to the start of the first educational session.
Black Out Times – Designated ISOQOL Leadership Activities, Conference/Scientific Program, ISOQOL Membership Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony, Receptions and other times as needed for the business of the Society.
ISOQOL cannot guarantee accommodation at the Annual Conference for Ancillary Event Requests received after 1 September of the month preceding the conference.
What is an Ancillary Event?
An ancillary event is any function held adjunct to an ISOQOL meeting by another society or party other than ISOQOL. All ancillary events must receive ISOQOL authorization. Ancillary events may include:
- Advisory Board Meeting – A small gathering of corporate board members, which may also include some related experts in the field of discussion
- Educational Event – A meeting that includes educational content. The meeting can, but does not have to, include the option for participants to earn CME credit for attending that may be initiated by the host of the ancillary event.
- Focus Group – A small meeting designed to evaluate services or test new ideas
- Hospitality Suite (in a meeting room) – A room/lounge for attendees to come and go as desired. Planned meetings in hospitality suites that include meeting attendees are prohibited during the blackout times
- Investigator Meeting – A closed (invitation only) meeting of participating and potentially participating investigators concerning clinical trials, either in progress or proposed
- Investor Meeting – A small gathering for corporate investors
- Press Event – press briefings, news conferences, press receptions, satellite media tours, etc.
- Social Event – A networking function that is non-educational in nature
How do I submit an Ancillary Event Request?
Please fill out the event request form available above and submit it to the ISOQOL office at
Do I have to complete an Ancillary Event Request if I am not using ISOQOL function space?
Yes, ISOQOL leadership requests that ALL organizations (commercial and non-profit) that wish to hold functions of any size or nature at the Headquarters Hotel/meeting venue during an ISOQOL meeting to complete an Ancillary Event Request form.
What are the deadlines for submitting an Ancillary Event Request?
Applications are accepted at any time. However, function space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. ISOQOL cannot guarantee accommodation at the Annual Conference for Ancillary Event Requests received after 1 September of the month preceding the conference.
What are the guidelines for Ancillary activities held during an ISOQOL meeting?
Ancillary activities, including media events, should not conflict with the agenda or events of the ISOQOL meeting. The nature of activity should be in keeping with the educational focus of an ISOQOL meeting. Venues, agendas, and media coverage for ancillary activities should be conducive to scientific interchange; even for social functions, promotion should emphasize scientific themes, not entertainment activities. Promotional activities should be tasteful, appropriate, and professional in nature.
What are the procedures for activities and events held at the ISOQOL meeting venue?
An Ancillary Event Request must be submitted by completing the form above and submitting it to the ISOQOL office. ISOQOL will determine whether the proposed activity meets ISOQOL standards and requirements, and will make every effort to notify the applicant via email within seven business days if the event has been authorized. Upon authorization, ISOQOL will release and assign hotel space for the requested event. From this point forward the requesting organization will work directly with the assigned hotel to plan the event.
What are the guidelines for use of the ISOQOL name and other trademarks?
All names, marks, brands, logos, designs, trade dress, slogans, and other designations of ISOQOL are the sole and exclusive property of ISOQOL. Use of any ISOQOL branding without ISOQOL’s prior written permission is strictly prohibited, except for use of ISOQOL’s name as required in the disclaimer for signage and in other materials associated with ancillary events. The rules, requirements and process for requesting use of the ISOQOL Brand is outlined in the Communications Standards policy in ISOQOL’s Policy Manual.
Can I market products and services at an ISOQOL meeting?
Commercial firms and other organizations may not engage in marketing activities through, for example, the use of hotel television channels, individual company distribution of marketing materials in hotels (e.g., giveaways, flyers or door drops), or the branding of beverage napkins, hotel keys, etc. At the meeting venue, marketing materials may not be offered, distributed, or displayed anywhere other than the Exhibits unless a specific prior exception has been granted by ISOQOL. ISOQOL’s Marketing and Sponsorship Prospectus is available on the ISOQOL Give page.
What is the process for sending a pre-meeting mailing to registered attendees?
ISOQOL allows exhibitors and other organizations the opportunity to purchase membership and attendee mailing lists for pre and post marketing for each meeting. The lists are sold for a one-time use only. Samples of the mailing (including invitations to ancillary events) must be submitted and approved by ISOQOL prior to an organization receiving the list. ISOQOL strongly encourages organizations to submit their samples early to allow for adequate production and mail time. For more information on membership and attendee mailing lists and/or to purchase a mailing list, please contact the ISOQOL office or email
What are ISOQOL's policies for holding press events?
Organizations planning media events during any ISOQOL meeting are required to coordinate with ISOQOL’s Meeting Manager. With the exception of events sponsored by ISOQOL, press events such as media briefings, news conferences, press receptions, etc. are not permitted onsite at ISOQOL meetings. Organizations may submit requests for hotel space to hold press events on meeting days; however, events must not conflict with the ISOQOL meeting, specified blackout times, or ISOQOL policies, including ISOQOL’s Media Interactions policy.
What are the guidelines for signage and other written descriptions of ancillary events?
Signage for ancillary events is only permitted immediately outside of the designated room that the event is to occur unless prior arrangements have been made with the ISOQOL office. Meeting signage may NOT include the ISOQOL name, logo, or name of ISOQOL meeting. In addition, no marketing pieces, invitations, communications of any kind, advertising, or other written or spoken descriptions of the event may use the ISOQOL name or logo, or otherwise suggest or imply that ISOQOL has endorsed or sponsored the event.
- The name of the ISOQOL meeting or symposia may be mentioned one time in each communication for identification purposes, in a reasonably-sized, neutral font
- ISOQOL or the name of the ISOQOL meeting may not be part of a title or heading of the ancillary event, be prominently featured, or listed first in print materials
- ISOQOL slide templates, color schemes, logos, meeting graphics or other means of confusing the event with an ISOQOL-sponsored event may not be used
- The following statement must be included on all advertisements, marketing pieces, invitations, meeting materials, etc. for the event: “For the convenience of our members, ISOQOL has enabled this event to be held in proximity to our annual conference. This is not an official event of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), nor endorsed by ISOQOL.”
Who do I contact with questions about Ancillary Events and the release of ISOQOL function space?
Please contact ISOQOL office by telephone at 414-918-9797 or email

The International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) is a global community of researchers, clinicians, health care professionals, industry professionals, consultants, and patient research partners advancing health related quality of life research (HRQL).
Together, we are creating a future in which patient perspective is integral to health research, care and policy.